Friday, December 28, 2018

Nicaraguan Medical Team Needs Help. Give Today

   As you know, I work with an NGO down in Nicaragua on clean water projects, including building water systems, and working on healing the after-affects of years of bad water. The Medical team again needs your support to raise money to buy new equipment for the Anti-Parasite project I have written about in the past. (Watch Juanita's video in order to see the progress we're making).

Specifically, this time, we need a centrifuge, and items for a mobile clinic. You'll see their pictures below.

Can you help us raise $2000 to help contain the project? DONATE HERE.

(For more information on Amigos, and they work that do in their community, scroll to the end.)

The vortex:
Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.25.12 PM.png

Portable AC unit:
Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.26.06 PM.png

The tent: 
Screen Shot 2018-11-27 at 4.26.55 PM.png


Below is a snapshot of their work. For a complete set of results, see: